How To Ask Your Partner For Help


1. Make two lists: WORK & HOME
2. Prioritize 3 things on each list for YOU.
3. DELEGATE 3 things on your HOME list to your partner

The reality is that your man will NEVER see what needs to get done around the house LIKE YOU DO. (**men haven’t been conditioned for thousands of years to be attentive to the needs of other)

So you have the choice to:
A. Get in a fight about it every other day
B. Do something different

I believe that it is their responsibly to either be open to being asked to do things around the house OR do them without being asked.

⭐️CHEAT CODE: Ask them when they think they will have this done by- be sure that this will work for BOTH OF YOU. (This is where compromise comes in)

I do this because if Charlie says he will get it done by the end of the hour and the end of the hours comes around and it isn’t done, I can remind him and not feel like a nag AND it holds him accountable.

That is the “outer work”.

Here is the “inner work” for both of you.

Your work is JUST as valuable as his- Regardless of who is the “bread winner”.
What you do around the house is a gift of love and care not a “ROLE” that you are stuck in.
When it stops feeling like you are giving a gift that is supporting you and your family then it is time to reevaluate and see what needs to change.

You are valuable. You deserve time away from the house, the kids, the dog, the MESS, everything just as much as he does.

Their “long day” is NOT in comparison to your “long day”

⭐️they are both important and need to be given love and care.

What part of this hits the hardest??

SHARE this with your friend who is burnt the F*** out.


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